Monday, July 27, 2009

QST's are tricky....

OK, working on QST's for a quilt. They're challenging. Tried the Wonder Cut Ruler, did not like the results. Tried the draw a diagonal line on a square and sew down both sides trick, still didn't like the results. Have decided cutting a square, slicing it diagonally into triangles is the way to go. Still trying to get it right. They're looking better..... aren't they?

Not quite there.

Pretty bad.

No good. Not to mention the one going the wrong way in the top left corner. Sheesh!!

Really bad.



Gotta get my 1/4 inch seams just right. My machine isn't helping any. I may have to switch to another one.

And here are a few people I know playing with a box - the world's best toy.

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