Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another funky book

This is what I did last night instead of watching the debate. It's not that I'm uninterested in the debate, just that I know I'll be hearing/reading about it everywhere and all the time until bigger news comes along. I'm sure of who I will vote for, don't think anything said in the debate will change my mind. I'll refrain from saying who my vote is for and why so that this blog can remain all about quilting. Or I might say something stupid and then it would be here on the internet forever embarassing me. Sewing is much more fun anyway!

Sew, another book for my lovely assistant!

A fish.

Moo cow and chickie. It was tough to get a good pic of chickie. The flash kept making such a glare. This one is not so great, either, but it was the best I got. I was trying to get a picture with this sitting on a pillow in my lap.

A frog and a lamb.

Doggie and chicken.

And a jungle bird.

It's really fun making these little books. It's a very haphazard, grab it and stitch, it is how it is kinda thing. I like that! I have several thoughts/ ideas about this:

- I wanna make a bigger one
- more pics on the page
- maybe coordinate the fabs a bit?
- textures?
- trims?
- tags?

We'll see what time allows.

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