Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Look what can be done with the quilt block kits!

One of the wonderful quilters who bought some quilt block kits from me sent me this today:

"I just wanted to show you what I did with the quilt blocks I purchased from you. I gave this quilt to my dear friend who nearly died with meningitis in March. She is doing very well now and loves the quilt. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make it for her."

Isn't that beautiful? I love the coordinating fabrics! I may just get inspired to stitch some of these up! I have tons and tons and tons of these..... so if you're inspired, too, let me know! I'll make you a deal!

Customer Quilt!!!

First things first - a customer quilt! They wanted something simple and cheap. I can handle that!

It was such a pretty quilt! I didn't have time to take really good pics, these are just a few so that I can have a record.

Here is my lovely assistant lounging around.

And here she is taking a nap. How tired do you have to be to fall asleep like this? I work her so hard.....

And here is a guy that lives at our house. This is all dressed up for 8th grade bridging.

Saturday, May 2, 2009