Sunday, March 29, 2009

Auction quilts

I finished quilting 2 auction quilts for our elementary school auction this weekend!

This one features artwork by 2nd graders in a rainforest theme.  The artwork showing just happens to be by my 2nd grader!  Please note the jungle leaves quilting done freehand by yours truly!  I thought it came out really nice - I'm very proud! 

This quilt features traced and decorated hands by Kindergardeners.  I quilted this one in a loopdiloop variation that I wanted to practice.  It was OK.  It looks nice, I just didn't enjoy doing it so much.  The quilt is really cute!

Got the rainforest one bound today, hopefully will finish the binding on the other one tonight so I can take them to school tomorrow for the kids to see.  The auction is adults only and I'd like for the kids to see the quilts before they are sold.

The quilting machine is working well!  Replaced some parts, fiddled with the timing and the tension, think I have it adjusted the way that it likes to be.  The bottom tension seems a little loose to me.  It's not pulling up to the top, just seems loose on the back.  Might try tightening it a bit on the bobbin case and see if that makes a difference.  Wondering if there is some other adjustment that affects bottom thread tension?

Spent a week in Branson for spring break.  Soooo nice!  A few pics:

Me and my lovely assistant enjoying the fountain show on the landing.  Those torches are 'hot'!!!  You can feel the heat from a long way away!

Lovely assistand and big brother 'cool' looking at trout at the fish hatchery.