Thursday, January 22, 2009

A little quilting

Look! A real quilt on the frame!! This is a vintage quilt that was given to me. It has big empty spaces that I thought would make good practice spots. I love the colors and the pattern, but it is sun bleached in spots and stained. See those black spots? It's like it was folded up and the black checks bled all over it. I haven't washed it, so don't know if it will come out. Anyway, it's a good practice top! Note the repurposed mattress pad batting and the cotton sheet backing. Quilt green, blah, blah, blah...

See my quilting there at the bottom? I only had time to load this quilt (takes me about an hour and then there's the bobbin winding.... hopefully I'll get better at all that with time) and make this one pass. Not too great. The machine is stitching really fast!

OH! Forgot. I replaced all the wheels and it's moving much more smoothly now. AND - when I turned the machine over to take off the wheels I found a chunk of batting all rolled up around the rod underneath. Took that off and now it's really going fast! A friend on an email list mentioned installing a dimmer switch for speed control and I think I'm gonna do that.

Here's a closeup of one block. Aren't they cute? It's too bad this quilt is in such bad shape. But, it will be fun to practice on and we will use it and enjoy it anyway.

And a shot of my lovely assistant. She loves to get 'in' things. Any box or basket we have around, she tries to get in it. This is the basket we keep diapers and wipees in. She dumps them out and gets in. She thought the flash on the camera was hilarious! I couldn't get a shot of her laughing, though.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

More frame quilting practice

I finished a big practice piece today. I layed the piece out on the floor to take pics and look what happened:

My lovely assistant showed up to help. "Hmmmm..... I think this one works, mom!" And where there's one.....

There's more. Just like cats. Put something on the floor and they all show up to roll around on it. Actually, the cat ignores my quilting stuff. Maybe she's ignoring us? The kids have her job covered, so maybe she's decided to retire from doing the cat thing.

Here's a shot that you can see some of the quilting in.
And another. When I'm doing it on the frame I always feel like it doesn't look so great. Then when I take it off, I like it better. Something else I've learned - my machine works side to side. I really can't stitch top to bottom, so whatever I am 'drawing' with my machine I have to do it sideways - make sense? I can't really do hearts top to bottom, I have to do them side to side. So I've been practicing 'drawing' with a pen and paper side to side. Still having some problems with the machine 'sticking'. Not sure if it's a wheel problem, a track problem, a user problem, or just the way it is. Soon as I have some extra $$$ I'm gonna try replacing the wheels and see if that helps. It's also 'very' hard work! The machine is really heavy.

I think I'm not going to be one of those quilters who can do really cool feathers and really close work. At least not anytime soon and not with this machine. It's really difficult to do anything that requires meeting or tracing a line because I can't see through my foot. I may try to find some kind of see through hopping foot and then work more on that kind of thing. I am also finding that I really like loopdiloops and other things are coming along nicely, too.

And one last shot of 3 smiling faces that just can't resist a quilt on the floor.

Monday, January 12, 2009

This is why I never leave the house

How long could you be mad at that face???

Fortunately, this is not an expensive couch. Well, maybe it was...... we got it at a garage sale and as soon as we find something nicer/cheaper, it's gone. No sense being upset about blue marker on it. It already has some lovely black (sharpie!!!) marker on the arm from another time I left the house. When will I learn???

This was the scary part. Fortunately, this is not a real quilt. It's a couple of sheets and an old blanket that I got at the thrift store to practice on. And it's washable marker. I'm gonna see if I can stitch around the marker and preserve this memory forever! Or, for at least as long as we keep this practice piece. Maybe it will become the dog's quilt. Lesson learned - be sure and keep all the scissors and sharp things off the quilting frame because lovely assistant 'can' get up there!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A big quilt finish

OK, I don't understand why blogger insists on putting pics on in the wrong order. Maybe I should catch a clue and choose them in reverse order and then they would come up the right way??? Hmmmm...

Anyway, my friend came over on Friday and quilted a monster quilt on my machine. It came out really nice and the machine performed well! Here's the back:

Here's the front! My friend is on the left, the best looking guy I know on the right, and my friend's daughter in the bottom left.

A close up of the quilting.

The machine in action!

Another action shot. Exciting, isn't it??

I've been really wimpy about putting an actual quilt on here. I have done some practicing, but didn't feel 'good enough' to do a quilt yet. My friend came over, loaded up her quilt and quilted away having never machine frame quilted before. She did great! the quilt looks terrific! What the heck am I so afraid of, anyway???

Went to the OKC Winter Quilt Show today - ALL day!!! It was great. Pics later.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Not quite finished book

Pages from the next book.


A bunny with a butterfly and some Christmas bears.

A black bird and a fish. Not sure I like the bird page. I might leave him out. He has some dinosaur parts and pawprints with him. Hmm.. We'll see.

A little red bird and a chicken. I might have to put a chicken in every book I make! OH!! Note the peppers all around the red bird. The bird has a wintry background and he's surrounded by peppers. He's chilly!! Get it???

A kitty surrounded by fish (happy kitty!) and a frog. Froggie has a flower.

Don't have a hard, fast plan for this book. Have pieces picked out for the next one. The next one will be a little 3" one again.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New hand work

Just about to finish appliqueing the last of my Sunbonnet Sue blocks, so I need something new to do by hand. A very long time ago I experimented with a tea leaf (orange peel?) block, so thought I'd get some of that ready to do. Here is the first block I made forever ago and some new pieces I cut out yesterday.

See the little squares? Another forever ago I found some neat stamps "By Kate". They are for stamping on fabric and then cutting out to piece. I bought these squares (1.5 " and .5 ") and also a hexagon.

They are really pretty fun! Not as fast as rotary cutting, but when you have a really irregularly shaped scrap piece it can be a pain to try and rotary cut.

The stamping is fun and I enjoy sitting and cutting with scissors sometimes.

See all the fun fabs I found in my scrapbox???

This is my favorite piece. Most of my scraps are teeny tiny. Still haven't decided how to use those up yet. One of these days I might be able to throw them away. Ha!!